Microsoft Teams has been invaluable. It makes such a difference to see people’s faces rather than just hearing them on a phone call – especially when you’re meeting dozens of new people every day. I’ve been so impressed with the effort everyone has made to stay connected. I’ve also noticed relationships of increased trust developing between colleagues, where we measure performance by outputs, rather than inputs. On a personal level, working remotely has helped me to find a rhythm that works for me and my family, without compromising my career or the level of service I want to deliver to clients and my teams. What I didn’t anticipate was how easy it is to sit down to work at home and not leave for the entire day… so, I’ve learned to be more disciplined and get moving more often!
But for all the positives during this period, I’m pleased that we can now work back in the office in Jersey, as I really missed in-person interaction. I think working flexibly from the office will be the ideal recipe for many going forward, and I’m looking forward to seeing how this allows us to reshape our work, our lives, and our industry.”