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  • Launching a new alternative investment fund?
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    May 12, 2022


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      [:en]Simon King[:us]Simon King[:]
      Head of Private Equity - Jersey
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      Hana Prochaska

    Launching a new alternative investment fund?

    Establishing a closed ended fund is a complex process with a wide range of variables to be considered and, at first glance, can seem overwhelming. While there is undoubtedly complexity in the detail of any establishment exercise, the broad-brush strokes of fund establishment are actually relatively straightforward and are often based on a few key drivers.

    In this article, we will run through some of the key points that need to be considered in connection with the establishment of a fund and will then take a slightly deeper dive into what we consider to be one of the most important issues in this process – fund structuring.

    Download the full guide here


    What we’ll cover:

    • Launching a fund
    • Fund structuring:
      1. GP considerations
      2. Investor considerations
      3. Regulatory considerations
      4. Tax considerations


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    Want to talk?

    To discover for yourself what makes us the bright alternative and how we can support, please contact [:en]Simon King[:us]Simon King[:], our Head of Private Equity - Jersey.


    [:en]Simon King[:us]Simon King[:]

    Head of Private Equity - Jersey

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